Bye bye summer interns of 2024

This summer, we've had the pleasure of welcoming two talented interns, Cecilie Huser and Vegard Hatleli from BearingPoint, to our Oslo office. Both Cecilie and Vegard are fourth-year students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), and they have brought energy, fresh perspectives and innovative ideas to our analytics team.

vegard and cecilie

Making an Impact

Throughout their internship, Cecilie and Vegard have been dedicated to enhancing our electronic patient record system, Bliksund EWA. Their primary focus has been on creating standardised dashboards that provide users with valuable insights and enable data-driven decisions. These dashboards are designed to streamline the process for healthcare professionals, giving them easy access to critical data and helping them make informed decisions in real-time.

Cecilie and Vegard have played a key role in enhancing Bliksund EWA. By developing these dashboards, they've improved our software's functionality and boosted the efficiency of emergency healthcare services. Now, EWA users can access detailed, actionable insights, leading to better patient care and more streamlined operations.

Real-world challenges

Cecilie and Vegard have worked closely with our analytics team to gain practical experience. They’ve engaged with stakeholders to understand business needs, visited an ambulance station to gather insights from end users, developed data models, and created dashboards. Through these activities, they’ve applied their academic knowledge to real-world challenges and delivered valuable solutions.

Maren Elise Rønneseth leads the analytics team and has been mentoring and taking care of the interns this summer. She concludes:

Maren"Cecilie and Vegard have been great additions to our team this summer. Their work on creating dashboards for Bliksund EWA and improving data accessibility is highly valuable for our customers and will support healthcare professionals in making better decisions. We are very pleased with their contributions and are confident that they will continue to succeed in their careers."


Stay tuned for more updates and stories about the incredible people who help make Bliksund a leader in healthcare technology.