Secure and reliable solutions for documentation and support in demanding operations

With a more efficient flow of information and a better overview of equipment and personnel, your team can work more effectively, and secure common situational awareness and the correct response.
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Today, Bliksund’s solutions are used by emergency dispatch centres, ambulance services, fire and rescue services, search and rescue services, police, NGOs and other public safety organisations. The solutions can be tailored and adapted for use by specialised emergency services, civil protection and defence organisations. 

Our solutions for public safety and defence


A complete ePCR solution for prehospital services.
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A scalable, modular, and highly user-friendly way of organizing your workday.
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Secure, intuitive, and user-friendly live streaming from the scene of the incident or patient treatment.
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public safety volunteer searching in collapsed building

Our tools free up valuable time and ensure an overview of resources, a quick exchange of correct information, communication flow and efficient collaboration. Even in remote and austere environments. Gain full control over your operations, equipment, personnel, processes and situations, and eliminate misunderstandings and mistakes

As the world is constantly changing and new challenges emerge, operations need to follow. In demanding operations and tough environments, you depend on the right resources and information to make good choices. We support you 24/7/365 and provide dependable and well-proven solutions for documentation and operational support that simplify critical decision-making in demanding operations. 

Military uses electronic patient record EWA