Introducing Our Summer 2024 Interns: Cecilie and Vegard from NTNU and BearingPoint

At Bliksund, we believe in the power of fresh perspectives and innovative thinking. This summer, we're excited to welcome our summer interns Cecilie Huser and Vegard Hatleli, two talented 4th year students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). Their arrival marks another step in our commitment to fostering new talent and supporting the next generation of tech professionals. 

Introducing Our Summer 2024 Interns: Cecilie and Vegard from NTNU and BearingPoint

Why Internships Matter

Internships provide invaluable opportunities for both Bliksund and the students. For businesses like ours, interns bring new ideas, energy, and a willingness to challenge the status quo. They offer fresh insights that can lead to innovation and improvements in our processes and solutions towards the emergency services. Additionally, internships are a great way to identify and nurture future talent. As Cecilie says:

cecilie“During my summer internship with BearingPoint, I'm gaining hands-on experience as a consultant on a real data analysis project for Bliksund. We've been warmly welcomed and gained valuable insights into both Bliksund and the prehospital services. It's exciting to see how our data analysis can enhance and support the critical work of the ambulance service. This internship also offers a great opportunity to meet talented and friendly people, participate in social activities like workouts, dinners, and after-work events, and experience life at BearingPoint and Bliksund. I'm looking forward to a rewarding and educational summer.

Both Cecilie and Vegard have been interns before and enjoy the experience of working for different organizations:   

vegard"Spending a whole summer at Bliksund, I firmly believe I will learn a lot of useful things! Besides new technology and software, I think there is much to gain from working for a company with such a meaningful mission as Bliksund. Bliksund helps make everyday life easier for the bravest among us, and this desire to help others is evident in all the employees. Even in the first few days, it was clear that everyone in the office is here because they are passionate about what they do, and that is a quality I will take with me going forward!", says Vegard


Cecilie Huser and Vegard Hatleli will be working at our Oslo office this summer as part of the analytics team, led by Maren Elise Rønneseth. They will focus on creating dashboards for our electronic patient record, Bliksund EWA. This will enable EWA users to gain access to standardised dashboards that provide valuable insights and enable data-driven decisions.

Maren"We are excited to see what Cecilie and Vegard will achieve during their time with us. Their internship at Bliksund is not just about gaining work experience; it's about collaboration, learning, having fun and making meaningful contributions. We believe that their time here will be mutually beneficial, leading to growth and innovation for both parties", says Maren Elise Rønneseth, Technical Group Manager at Bliksund


Welcome to the Bliksund team, Cecilie and Vegard! We look forward to a productive and inspiring summer together.

Do you want to know more about summer internship at BearingPoint? Read more here 

Read more about BearingPoint here