More efficient claims handling and better customer service


By using video for documentation and securing a common understanding, you can handle claims smarter, with more accurate documentation - and happier customers.

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Gathering documentation and assessing an incident requires both time and resources. By letting your customers carry out their own damage inspection, you save both time and resources. With video sharing, the customer and case manager see the same thing at the same time. You obtain a correct and accurate picture of the damage immediately as well as a common understanding of the incident. 

Our solutions for the Insurance sector


Secure, intuitive, and user-friendly live streaming from the scene of the incident or patient treatment.
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Asset 14@4x

We find that the video solution creates a sense of calm among our members. The fact that our claims handler can watch live and see exactly what the member shows and explains gives the member an experience of being understood. In this way, we also avoid misunderstandings.

Nadja Frandsen

Head of department Skade- og Medlemsservice, LB Forsikring

User friendly

With our tools, your customer can quickly send photographs or video clips of the damage while you are talking. You easily send a link in a text message to the customer while you have them on the line.

The customer clicks on the link and can immediately send photos and video clips allowing you to assess the extent of the damage or see the risk that the customer wishes to insure. This ensures a better customer experience by reducing misunderstandings and mistakes.

insurance company uses incidentshare to make a claim
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