Leading vehicle database for roadside assistance

Bliksund CRS provides first responders and towing services with the essential information right at their fingertips. 

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Due to the growing number of vehicles with modern technology and alternative drives, roadside assistance and towing services need accurate and up-to-date vehicle information to act quickly and safely. 

Our solutions for roadside assistance

Crash Recovery System

Extensive vehicle coverage and multiple identification methods for quick access to accurate digital rescue sheets
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A scalable, modular, and highly user-friendly way of organizing your workday.
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Secure, intuitive, and user-friendly live streaming from the scene of the incident.
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Effective and informative

CRS for Roadside Assistance is your ultimate resource for detailed towing and roadside support information, enhanced with the latest technological advancements. 

Mirroring the robust capabilities of its CRS counterparts, CRS for Roadside Assistance is meticulously designed with features and components tailored specifically for the unique needs of roadside aid and towing. 

Fire fighter uses GRID next to fire engine

Using CRS saves time and improves the quality of rescue operations for traffic accidents. The number plate query can already take place while the emergency call is still being answered. Thus, vehicle information is available to firefighters before they go into action so that they can prepare in a more focused way on the specific operation.

Mario Vrdoljak

Firefighter, State Warning Center Vorarlberg


Decision support to ensure the right action

By utilising a digital interactive data sheet, you gain a comprehensive understanding of the vehicle. This enables you to promptly act with the correct equipment, skills, and training.

As a result, you can effectively handle the incident, identify potential hazards, and take the required measures to mitigate any risks. 

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